RUDY is available for free downloading now.  Scroll down to read about this exciting new book. 

Four books ready for free downloading in pdf format:


TG the Terrific

This is TG's biography covering the time from her arrival on a Thanksgiving Day as a stray, 14-week old Border Collie puppy to the time of the book's dedication on her 10th birthday. It began as a list of her incredible abilities, but somewhere along the way it became too large for a list and it became a book. It is an entertaining historical record of TG's amazing capabilities. Extremely well behaved - even as a puppy. Learned commands after only two attempts. If something happened the same way twice, it became "law" and she was there to enforce it. Excellent scent tracker. Never let her ice cream cone drip. Emphatic back-seat driver in the car. Great at agility. Taught the author to communicate with her on a mental level. This book should be read first, if you are interested in the Search and Rescue fiction series, as it will give you a better basic understanding of her and her terrific abilities.


Click here to download TG the Terrific, it is free. Then use my blog to comment on the book.



ERIK; TG Search and Rescue, July 18, 2008,

Book # 1 of a Series

This is the first in a fictional Search and Rescue series based on the abilities of the real TG, revealed in TG the Terrific. Her name, TG, has been changed from meaning "Thanksgiving" (in her biography) to an appropriate "Thank God" (for a rescue dog.) While reading these books, you will probably guess that her friend, Skip, in the series is patterned after the author.


Erik is a teenage autistic boy who wanders away from his home in El Dorado County, California in July 2008. TG's team has been called in from Wisconsin to find him. Skip, the president of the team, has assembled a team of a former military flying ace to fly his two planes, an amazing teenager to run his Command Desk, and a techno-geek to invent computer hardware for them.  TG is the "production manager" and is responsible for completing their tasks.  Follow their adventures as TG helps the FBI, a B-17 is shot down, gold is discovered and TG teaches people to mentally communicate with their own dogs. Follow her instructions and you, too, will be able to raise your communication level with your dog to new heights.

Click here to download ERIK, it is free. Then use my blog to comment on the book.



AL; TG Search and Rescue, May 6, 2009,

Book #2 of a Series


This is the second book in my fictional Search and Rescue series with TG, the Border Collie  I have added a list of characters after the Epilogue.  I hope that is helpful as there are a lot of characters in this book.

Al is the son of Al Capone's personal driver.  During Capone's last years and while suffering from dementia, Capone told the young Al and his father about his "greatest treasure" buried in the Wisconsin Northwoods.  But he never told them where it was.  Now in 2009, the Marinette County Sheriff has called in the "TG Search and Rescue" team to find a treaspasser who has been seen on hidden cameras, snooping around cabins with a metal detector.  Later, the Sheriff asks the team to switch over to a different case; an old man with Alzheimer's Disease is lost in the same area.  Could both of these be the same man?  The team calls in an FBI agent and a Treasury agent, but only to observe.  Federal agents normally take control of investigations; will a situation develop between the agents and the team's teenaged Command Center Director?  What is Capone's "greatest treasure" and where is it?  TG solves the mysteries after "talking" to Al's dog.  This fiction is loaded with interesting real local people and real local places.


Click here to download AL, it is free. Then use my blog to comment on the book.


RUDY; TG Search and Rescue, July 21, 2008,

Book # 3 of a Series

This is another in the fictional Search and Rescue series based on the abilities of the real TG.  The Star Wars series was not released in chronological sequence and neither are these books.  Watch the dates in the titles to determine the order in which they occurred.  Note that this book takes place a few days after finding Erik in Book #1.  You may want to read ERIK, if you haven't already read it, before you read RUDY.  RUDY has a few comments in it about happenings from ERIK.


Each of these fictional books has a "featured pet guest".  This book's guest is Pisa, our veterinarian's male Great Dane.  He has a large and very important role to play in the beginning and the ending portions of the story, (not to be confused with how big he is.)  He saves a life and brings a dysfunctional family back together.

Pisa predicts a tornado headed for his home town of Grand Forks, North Dakota.  TG races to get there (via the team's modified Harrier jet) while the tornado is still devastating part of the town.  She leads all the rescue services, including a team from the nearby Grand Forks Air Force Base, to rescue the people in the tornado's path of destruction.  One special victim, located after Pisa joins up with TG, is a member of Pisa's human family.  Try not to cry when you read what Pisa does during a surgery.  This has a very happy ending (all of my books have happy endings.)


Click here to download RUDY, it is free. Then use my blog to comment on the book.


I am also working on a book that will include the "First Response Team of America."  Did you see them on CNN getting a Hero award?  Click on their link on my Links-page and watch it there.  It is just over 6 minutes.


I need a special cat to be the "featured pet guest" in a new book about a kidnapped child.  Any suggestions?  Write to me at with your suggestions.

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